Meet Sydnee

Sydnee Bagovich

I’m ever hopeful, optimistic, and spiritual. I start each day with: How may I serve, and let me be an inspiration to others. For many years, I’ve questioned my place in this world – what am I meant to do? Where do I belong?

I have worked in accounting, as production manager for an ad agency, multiple positions and management roles in a direct-mail media company, marketing manager for a start-up building efficiency company, marketing roles in the healthcare industry, agent and advisor in the insurance/financial industry, and executive director for a chamber of commerce. My entrepreneurial ventures include leading a team selling wine with a cause, and starting two businesses: The Grammar Nerd and Whirlwind Events.

English was always my favorite subject – from grade school through high school. It seemed fitting that my husband and I bought our house from my fourth grade English teacher. In grade school, I was in a national spelling bee. (I went down on the word “resilient”.) Hence the early makings of The Grammar Nerd venture.

Three of my favorite activities are eating, sleeping, and laughing. I’ll try anything, but I won’t eat any kind of melon, cucumber, or raw onion. I love wine – red, white, pink, port, and bubbles. When I’m at my computer, there is always a candle burning and my music playing.

I am one of three sisters, with a brother and sister who left this world far too young. My mom is my best friend, biggest fan, and every morning sends me a GIF message to start my day.

I walk a lot. Sometimes I listen to music, often singing and occasionally dancing. Sometimes I get lost in nature. Sometimes I think, and sometimes I cry.

I’m a Good People Magnet – so fortunate to have so many of those good people in my life. And, surprisingly with all of those connections, my track record is pretty good. Though I have encountered an occasional bad actor, that is very rare.

Some of my proudest accomplishments are getting my MBA from Katz Graduate School of Business at Pitt, learning to drive a stick at age 29, and learning to play the drums just last year – all with the suggestion, help, and support of my husband.

For 30 years I have been addicted to Jazzercise, and ten years ago became an instructor. In addition to that, I am an account manager for a blood bank, and now I’m kicking off People Connectors with my long-time friend and entrepreneurial partner.

So, where do I belong? Right here – where all of my worlds come together, beautifully feeding my soul and making my heart sing. Glad to have so many good people with me on this journey.

Sydnee's Interview with James Protin

"Passionate Connector for Good"

Watch on YouTube HERE or check it out on Apple with the link below!

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Sydnee's Interview with Dionne Malush

"Navigating the Human Journey Through Meaningful Relationships"

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